Showing 51 - 75 of 108 Results
Later Biblical researches in Palestine and in the adjacent regions (America and the Holy Land) by Robinson, Edward, Davis, Moshe ISBN: 9780405102851 List Price: $58.95
Letters from Egypt and Palestine (America and the Holy Land) by Babcock, Maltbie D., Davis,... ISBN: 9780405102233 List Price: $21.95
McCarthy and the Communists by Rorty, James, Davis, R. G.,... ISBN: 9780837156361
Contemporary Jewry : Studies in Honor of Moshe Davis by Wigoder, Geoffrey ISBN: 9780318597584
Frontiers of Hope by Kallen, Horace M., Davis, M... ISBN: 9780405102608 List Price: $41.95
Journal of a Cruise in the U. S. Ship Delaware 74 in the Mediterranean in the Years 1833 and 34 by Israel, John, Lundt, Henry,... ISBN: 9780405102578 List Price: $13.95
True Boundaries of the Holy Land : Described in Numbers XXIV: 1-12: Solving the Many Diversi... by Isaacs, Samuel H., Davis, M... ISBN: 9780405102561 List Price: $19.95
Travels in Egypt, Arabia Petraea and the Holy Land by Olin, Stephen, Davis, Moshe ISBN: 9780405102738 List Price: $81.95
Eastern Sketches : Notes of Scenery, Schools, and Tent Life in Syria and Palestine by Miller, Ellen C., Davis, Moshe ISBN: 9780405102691 List Price: $23.95
Century of Excavation in Palestine by Macalister, Robert A., Davi... ISBN: 9780405102653 List Price: $35.95
Thirty Years of American Zionism by Lipsky, Louis, Davis, Moshe ISBN: 9780405102639 List Price: $29.95
Biblical Researches in Palestine: Mount Sinai and Arabia Petraea : A Journal of Travels in t... by Robinson, Edward, Davis, Moshe ISBN: 9780405102820 List Price: $58.95
Biblical Researches in Palestine: Mount Sinai and Arabia Petraea : A Journal of Travels in t... by Robinson, Edward, Davis, Moshe ISBN: 9780405102813 List Price: $173.95
Basic Equities of the Palestine Problem by Rifkind, Simon H., Davis, M... ISBN: 9780405102790 List Price: $19.95
Tent Life in the Holy Land by Prime, William C., Davis, M... ISBN: 9780405102783 List Price: $42.95
Talmage on Palestine : Series of Sermons by Talmage, T. De Witt, Davis,... ISBN: 9780405102936 List Price: $19.95
Palestine and Roumania : A Description of the Holy Land and the Past and Present State of Ro... by Sneersohn, Haym Z., Davis, ... ISBN: 9780405102912 List Price: $19.95
Biblical Researches in Palestine: Mount Sinai and Arabia Petraea : A Journal of Travels in t... by Robinson, Edward, Davis, Moshe ISBN: 9780405102844 List Price: $58.95
Biblical Researches in Palestine: Mount Sinai and Arabia Petraea : A Journal of Travels in t... by Robinson, Edward, Davis, Moshe ISBN: 9780405102837 List Price: $58.95
Palestinian Messengers in America, 1849-79 : A Record of Four Journeys by Salo, Baron W., Baron, Jenn... ISBN: 9780405102264 List Price: $19.95
Christian Protagonists for Jewish Restoration : An Original Anthology by Davis, Moshe ISBN: 9780405102219 List Price: $23.95
America and the Holy Land Series by Davis, Moshe ISBN: 9780405102202 List Price: $2,212.00
Key of David : David the True Messiah by Cresson, Warder, Davis, Moshe ISBN: 9780405102394 List Price: $29.95
Orient Sunbeams : From the Porte to the Pyramids, by Way of Palestine by Cox, Samuel S., Davis, Moshe ISBN: 9780405102387 List Price: $36.95
Feet of the Messenger by Bloomgarden, Yehoash, Davis... ISBN: 9780405102295 List Price: $29.95
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